Saturday, July 31, 2010

Imperium - Intro

So, me and my roommate have this lego empire in our living room. It's pretty fun when we can find time to play with it. That's the difficult thing - finding time.

Anyway, you're probably wondering what I mean by "lego empire." A lego empire (which we've had many of in the past) is exactly what it sounds like. It is an empire made entirely out of legos except for the basic terrain. Tables and boxes serve as mountains and plateaus, bringing stability to a carpeted floor.

This particular empire is named the "Imperium." Not a particularly clever name, but it suits our purposes. It is composed of five provinces: Promontorium, Seaside Province, Archipelago Islands, Farthington, and Paradise Valley. Each of these provinces is unique in its own right, with the first two being the largest.

We don't have the entire Imperium constructed yet, but time will bring success. Currently, Promontorium is completely finished, Farthington is very close to being done, and Paradise Valley has terrain and human inhabitants but is still in the need of plant and animal life.

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