Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pixie Genocide Achievement Award

Icy Gifts

This is a fun game that is basically like Boomshine - the game where you click and all these little pixies explode like kamikazes, taking other martyr-ous pixies with them.

It's better, however, because it has upgrades AND achievements. Awesome, right?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Long, Long, Time Ago....

Online Music Box

A long time ago, I stumbled upon this online music box that played Flight of the Conchords music. They are hilarious. Almost every song on the first side is worth listening to (especially Robots) and if you click on I TOLD YOU I WAS FREAKY you can flip the tape over to uncover more songs.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Foreign Diplomatic Policy: Canned Food


Found another fun flash game tonight. In this one, you are an alien that abducts humans to sell as canned food. The game has a basic upgrade system and different levels which are unlocked by certain described achievements on the previously conquered levels.
Pretty fun, this one is.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Are You Not Entertained?!

Here is a fun game that I found through StumbleUpon, wherein you are a dragon-rider. It is a side scrolling flying shooter with upgrades and levels. It should amuse for a good chunk of time.

To Each His Own

I found this fun little WASD, aim and shoot game that was amusing for a little bit. It has different weapons you can pick up, some of which aren't nearly as cool as some of the other ones. Worth a play, I'd say. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it entertained me for several minutes, so Bravo!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Review - Inception

I thought that Inception was a really good movie. It made me think and it made me dream. That is what a movie should do.

If you have not seen the movie yet, stop reading.

So, you've seen the movie, have you? What did you like about it?
I enjoyed how they incorporated the fact that dreams are much longer than sleep and used that in an amplified way when traveling deeper into the levels of dream states.

The movie made me think: If I could have another life in a dream, then wake up to reality, would I do it? Would I live another life? Would I be able to handle real life after that?

There are actually other things that deal with that idea. On Dragon Ball Z, they had this training chamber where you go train for weeks and it's actually only 5 minutes. I probably have the times wrong, but the concept is the same.
Also, there was an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Picard lived another life and then woke up to find that he was on the Enterprise again. It was thought-provoking as well.

Would you live many different lives? Maybe you would just wake up.

Let Them Play Games

Go there. Mhmm. That's how to know me better.

Or, you could just go there to check out the online games. I've found some good ones and they're all in there.

Right now, the coolest thing I've discovered on the internet is
Some of it is more offensive (like an online gamer dealing with actual people) and there is cussing on the website, although the youtube account censors it. Personally, I think that the censoring can be more annoying and detrimental than just hearing the words. Who knows?


Dawn of a New Day

I'm excited. My sister is moving here from where she lived with our parents. I have a job lined up for her where the people will take care of her, I have a place where she can live rent free until she gets on her feet. And very best of all -- She knows how to play Legos! There are only four people that I know of that can play Legos the right way: me, my roommate, my sister, and my roommate's brother.

The power of three. It will be good for two people that can focus on the Imperium a little more than I can to be present.

I recently received a heavier, more intensive workload at work, and at church I am also being challenged. Because of this, it's hard for me and my roommate to play since we aren't focusing on all the people or remembering well what's going on.

How hard it would be to convey all that the empire is in a simple wall of text. If you have any questions about anything in my life or your life, this is my personal e-mail. I'd like to find an e-mail buddy if possible. Anyway, here's hoping: